Roles of members members can have different roles. The default role is an unregistered user, the other roles have to be gained by the member somehow and they give them higher privileges to interfere with the network contents and functionality. The description of those roles follows.


Unregistered user

The community is open to all Internet users. You can read free courses without any limitations as an unregistered user.

Unregistered users can't contribute to discussions since their identity is not verified. They also can't rate comments and articles for the same reason, take quizzes and use other services. Unregistered users also can't download files including source codes.



The community membership is free of charge and everybody can register. A member has no duties and they can enjoy many benefits. They can use the most of our services (since we know they are humans, not spambots). Members can actively contribute to community matters, comment, ask, rate, tag, take knowledge quizzes, compete and download sample source codes. Every member can ask for an article-writer role (redactor).

Award manager

The award manager has a bag of badges at his home and and sends them by post to competitions winners. He also adds awards to online portfolios as well.

Marketing manager

Marketing managers have access to advertisement interface which the network uses to pay for development of its information system. They can also access analytics.


Journalists bring IT news for you, the role allows them to publish articles without waiting for approval and create statistics about their work.

HR manager

Manages job opportunities on the network, approves them, communicates with companies which are looking for new hires.

Request manager

A request manager handles requests for CV approvals, for redactor privileges and other requests requiring consideration.

Competition organizer

Competition organizer{HYPHEN_SECTION_TITLE}

There are competitions held sometimes in programming forums. Prices in these competitions are usually badges (that things with a pin you can attach e.g. to your bag). The competition organizer helds and evaluates those competitions.

Joke manager


Every evening, a joke is published on the network. They are added by members and they're being approved. Approved jokes are waiting in the queue from which a robot publishes them. The joke manager's work is to approve jokes to be added to the queue. He corrects their descriptions, denies inappropriate jokes and adds new ones.


The role grants access to advertisements, analytics, an accounting and other internal services.



Moderators have access to forum tools and they keep them keep forums running properly. Each topic have usually 2 moderators who prevent flamewars or offtopics there. They can remove posts, move them or ban problematic people from the thread. That somebody is a moderator doesn't mean they have to reply to your problem, their purpose is just to keep forums running. However, they improve their knowledge for sure by reading other people's posts and they are helping to keep running the project which helps people.

Few information for new moderators

Although, it's not always possible, try to be on top of things and don't get involved by some troll. You have project's administrator tools in your hands, please, use them wisely and with responsibility.

Don't close discussions which are already solved since somebody can still add something useful there. Use the "Close the discussion" button especially when the discussion went to the point when it's talking about if Linux is better than Windows, Java vs C# or pen vs. pencil. When only one person is flaming there, it's usually enough to ask him to stop, eventually to ban him/her.

Many questions can be answered just by providing a link to the already solved thread since people tend to ask about already asked problems.

Job offer advertiser

Job offer advertiser



Meanwhile moderators' privileges are bound with a single topic, supermoderators are able to moderate all forums on the network.



A creator is the first role you have to earn. Creators create community content, they actively develop the material base of by publishing their articles and applications. These creations are rated and commented by other network members. Creators gain points for submitted content, these points can be spend on the premium content (advanced online courses which are not accessible to everyone). They also receive feedback, inspirations, experiences, they spread their creations and become better programmers.

Few information for new creators

If you just got creator privileges, be sure to read these few lines. Adding content to is quite simple and articles are also verified by our editors in chief. This ensures that the form is filled properly, the proper section is selected and so on. Therefore, you don't have to worry about filling something wrong, there is our revision.

A link to the article editor can be found in your profile. If you aren't sure what to fill in each field, just hover your mouse over it and a tooltip will appear.

About articles, they should be from 6.000 to 8.000 characters long, including whitespaces. Much shorter description is required for applications of course, but don't forget screenshots in this case.

It's possible to add the article thumbnail or the application screenshots below the Images heading. For images inside the article, use the Image button on the editor toolbar.

Every article/program/ga­me can have a file attached. If you need to attach multiple files, put them into an archive.

Super redactor


They can edit all articles on network but these have to be approved.

News director

The chief of the journalists team, approves news from members who don't have the journalist role, organizes team meetings and verifies sources of the news.


Autoredactors can approve their own articles, they're usually journalists since waiting for news to be approved would make the news outdated.


An instructor of our distance seminars. They are able to see meeting participants, their details and manage training terms.



Administrators keep network up and running. They have access to all contents of the network.

System core developer

A programmer adds new features to the social network information system and fixes reported bugs.




Translator has access to articles source but can't edit them

Editor in chief

Meanwhile articles from redactors have to be approved before being published, editors in chief can publish articles on the network immediately.

They can also edit published articles of other redactors and approve articles which are waiting to be published.

Project manager

Can assign sections to editor in chief for article filtering. team

Members of this role make a narrow group which intensively develops the network.

That would be all about the introduction to If you have any suggestions, feature requests or bug reports, you can submit them using the System development link in the page footer.

Article has been written for you by David Capka Hartinger
User rating:
24 votes
The author is a programmer, who likes web technologies and being the lead/chief article writer at He shares his knowledge with the community and is always looking to improve. He believes that anyone can do what they set their mind to.
Unicorn university David learned IT at the Unicorn University - a prestigious college providing education on IT and economics.