IT project for people

The IT project aims to provide the general public with basic knowledge of information technology completely free of charge. We believe that education makes us what we are and should be accessible to everyone, without exception. Everyone should have the same chance to work in IT, which is well paid and offers other benefits. The "IT people" include the vast majority of the content of the social network ITnetwork, ie thousands of high-quality articles, each around 7 A4 pages, available completely free of charge and for everyone.

Project financing

Keeping tens of thousands of pages up to date is not easy at all in a fast-evolving IT world. Unlike, for example, Wikipedia, which is funded on the basis of calls for proposals, we opted for a more modern funding model.


The local community, which has already created several perfect series, also participates in the content for free. (We are working on a script for listing the ranking of the most generous authors.) Thank you very much, and we hope that the points earned for this material contribution have brought you further useful knowledge.


Part of the maintenance of materials, especially the development of the information system, is financed by payments for premium content that goes beyond basic knowledge.

We take our mission of the "public IT library" very seriously, especially because it is often a problem to find quality, up-to-date and, above all, comprehensive information on the Internet. That is why this document was created, which defines our idea and in which we would also like to thank those who make it possible to implement it.

