This Document describes licenses for source codes and approaches introduced on the website.
The licenses apply for all source codes placed on the Network if it's not specified differently. If you write code by yourselves, but according to our tutorials or you even paraphrase our code, you still use our approach. The licenses are applied to approaches, explained in courses on the Network and/or introduced in source codes, which are not commonly known in the same form as they're presented here (e.g. our implementation of the MVC architecture, our implementation of the order manager in the e-shop course and so on). The terms "source code" and "code" will refer to the code either directly from the Network or our code which uses some of our approaches.
The Document determines how those codes and approaches can be used in open-source, closed-source and commercial projects and how is possible to even resell them. All the licenses were designed in order to be able to be used for your projects and to protect our Network as well.
For easier understanding of the license goals, we also attach a simplified referential formulation and the shortened annotation. By using a code, you agree with those Terms.
Source codes marked as under the Free license or unmarked (if not specified otherwise) fall under the Free license.
Those codes you can:
- use in open-source projects
- use in closed-source projects
- use in commercial projects
If you meet the following conditions:
- You keep our annotation with the Free license in the source code or just a link to The annotation really have to be only in the source code (even though you modified it). In the user interface of the final application, there doesn't have to be any link which the user would see.
The simplified referential explanation:
Feel free to use this code for whatever you want to, your users don't have to know that it's from here at all. Just leave a note for further programmers, which would see the code, maybe they will visit us too
The annotation of the license is the following:
* _____ _____ _____ _
* |_ _/ __ \_ _| | |
* | | | / \/ | | __| | ___ _ __ ___ _ _ ___ ___ _ __ ___
* | | || | |/ _` |/ _ \ '_ ` _ \| | | | / __/ _ \| '_ ` _ \
* _| |_| \__/\ | | (_| | __/ | | | | | |_| || (_| (_) | | | | | |
* |______\____/ |_|\__,_|\___|_| |_| |_|\__, (_)___\___/|_| |_| |_|
* __/ |
* ___ |___/
* | _|___ ___ ___
* | _| _| -_| -_|
* |_| |_| |___|___| LICENSE
* This source code is a part of online courses at WWW.ICTDEMY.COM
* Feel free to use it for whatever you want, modify it and share it but
* don't forget to keep this link in your code.
* Visit for more information
(Modify the comment syntax according to the used programming language, this applies for following annotations as well.)
The shortened annotation
The annotation can be shortened just to a link to the Network:
/* */
Premium I, II, III
Source codes of some premium articles on the Network are released under the terms of Premium I, Premium II or Premium III licenses. For all those license versions (I, II and III) applies the same rules and annotation, the number only indicates the higher level of the article and so the higher number of points needed to access it.
Those codes you can:
- use in closed-source projects
- use in commercial projects
If you meet the following conditions:
- You keep our annotation with the Premium license in the source code, eventually its shortened version. The annotation has to be placed in all source files under this license excluding templates (even though you modified it).
- You can't use the codes in open-source projects
- You can't give codes to the third-party person. The third-party person doesn't include your customers to which you upload the application to a production server and they won't use the code directly for developing applications. You're obliged to act within your best options and capabilities to keep the code from being accessible on the production server.
In the user interface of the final application, there doesn't have to be any link which the user would see.
The simplified referential explanation:
You've earned the code by helping us to keep the Network running. Feel free to use it in applications which earn money for you or which you sell. Of course, you can't release it somewhere publicly since you would damage us by doing so. Leave note for other programmers in the code so they won't publish the code as well and that they can come to visit us too.
The annotation of the license is the following:
* _____ _____ _____ _
* |_ _/ __ \_ _| | |
* | | | / \/ | | __| | ___ _ __ ___ _ _ ___ ___ _ __ ___
* | | || | |/ _` |/ _ \ '_ ` _ \| | | | / __/ _ \| '_ ` _ \
* _| |_| \__/\ | | (_| | __/ | | | | | |_| || (_| (_) | | | | | |
* |______\____/ |_|\__,_|\___|_| |_| |_|\__, (_)___\___/|_| |_| |_|
* __/ |
* _ |___/
* ___ ___ ___ _____|_|_ _ _____
* | . | _| -_| | | | | |
* | _|_| |___|_|_|_|_|___|_|_|_| LICENSE
* |_|
* This source code is a part of online courses at WWW.ICTDEMY.COM
* The code is under the terms of premium content and was written thanks
* to community support. It is meant for personal usage only and it cannot
* be shared. Visit for more information
The shortened annotation
The annotation can be shortened to this form:
* This source code falls under the terms of the Premium license -
* It's meant for personal usage only and cannot be shared or used in open-source projects
Premium no-reselling I, II
Some source codes of premium articles are so sophisticated that they're basically complete commercial applications which could be possible to resell for multiple times to make profit. Such codes are marked as under the Premium no-reselling license and they can't by used for this purpose directly.
The good sample can be the course about creating a complete e-shop. You can make one e-shop according to it and even sell it, but you can't make multiple e-shops and sell them to your customers without requesting the Commercial license which allows free reselling of our applications (see the Premium Commercial license for more details).
The codes under the terms of the Premium no-reselling license you can:
- Use in closed-source projects
- Use for a one, single commercial project
If you meet the following conditions:
- You keep our annotation of the Premium no-reselling license in the source codes, eventually its shortened version. The annotation has to be placed in all source files under this license excluding templates (typically in class files or scripts, even though you modified it). The annotation can be fully removed by buying the Commercial license.
- You can't use the codes in open-source projects.
- You can't use the codes in more than one, single commercial project (So it's not possible to e.g. buy the e-shop course and then sell it as 20 e-shops to companies. You can build your own e-shop on that or an e-shop for one company).
- You can't give codes to the third-party person. The third-party person doesn't include your customers to which you upload the application to a production server and they won't use the code directly for developing applications. You're obliged to act within your best options and capabilities to keep the code from being accessible on the production server.
In the user interface of the final application, there doesn't have to be any link which the user would see.
The simplified referential explanation:
You've earned the code by helping us to keep the Network running. The purpose of the code is to earn money, we teach you how to program such applications, but it's not all. We also allow you to earn money by our codes in your one project. Of course, you can't release it somewhere publicly since you would damage us by doing so. Leave a note for other programmers in the code so they won't publish the code as well. If you want to make more money using our code and resell it for multiple times, we find it fair you leave us a bit of your profit to keep the Network running.
The annotation of the license is the following:
* _____ _____ _____ _
* |_ _/ __ \_ _| | |
* | | | / \/ | | __| | ___ _ __ ___ _ _ ___ ___ _ __ ___
* | | || | |/ _` |/ _ \ '_ ` _ \| | | | / __/ _ \| '_ ` _ \
* _| |_| \__/\ | | (_| | __/ | | | | | |_| || (_| (_) | | | | | |
* |______\____/ |_|\__,_|\___|_| |_| |_|\__, (_)___\___/|_| |_| |_|
* __/ |
* _ |___/
* ___ ___ ___ _____|_|_ _ _____
* | . | _| -_| | | | | |
* | _|_| |___|_|_|_|_|___|_|_|_| LICENSE
* |_| _ _ _
* ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___| | |_|___ ___
* | | . | |___| | _| -_|_ -| -_| | | | | . |
* |_|_|___| |_| |___|___|___|_|_|_|_|_|_ |
* |___|
* This source code is a part of online courses at WWW.ICTDEMY.COM
* The code is under the terms of the premium content license with
* limited re-selling and was written thanks to community support.
* It is meant for personal usage only and cannot be shared. It can
* be used in one closed-source commercial project only, for extended
* usage, retrieve the Premium commercial license. Visit
* for more information.
The shortened annotation
The annotation can be shortened to this form:
* This source code falls under the terms of the Premium no-reselling license -
* It cannot be shared or used in open-source projects. It can be used only for one, single commercial project.
Premium commercial
On the Network, you can find very professional codes under the terms of the Premium no-reselling license. These codes are very easy to convert to money (use it in a commercial product and resell it multiple times). It's not a problem to use our projects like this once you obtain the Premium commercial license. You can even build your business on our software.
Request the Premium commercial license by writing an email to redakce(at)itnetwork(dot)cz. Provide for what purpose you want to use the codes and we'll send you a price calculation. The price will be calculated based on the characteristics of your business, the number of articles of the course the project belongs to and based on the number of copies you want to resell. Eventually, we can negotiate individual terms form you as well (e.g. a one-time payment for limitless usage). It always applies that we're happy to negotiate, we focus mainly on retrieving funds to keep our Network up and running, we don't intend to limit you, but just to protect our project.
The simplified referential explanation:
If you want to make money in larger scale using our code, which is not only Premium but also it's a complete commercial application from our professional coders, we find it fair if you leave us a bit of your profit to keep the Network running. It's always possible to negotiate the terms individually for the needs of your business, we appreciate every $ to keep our Network up and running.
In the annotation, it's only necessary to provide that the code cannot be used in open-source projects:
An example of such annotation, when John Smith bought the Commercial license from us, which enables him to resell our e-shop in large amount of copies or to resells the software based on that, could look like this:
* (C) John Smith
* 2016
* This code cannot be shared or used in open-source projects
There doesn't have to be anything about at all.
Code under all the licenses is provided "as it is". Although the code will be probably kept up to date, maintained and kept functional, we don't provide any warranty to the functionality of the code or any further support nor we're required to keep it actual. We don't have any responsibility for eventual damages caused by the code to our visitors or their clients or anyone using the code.
If you violate Terms of any of the licenses, the Provider of the Network is authorized to recover damages for loss of profits within the amount which he will determine according to historical data.
Frequently asked questions
- "When I build my application upon your code, which I've modified, do I still have to provide your annotation?"
Here, we're talking especially about advanced courses and about paid
licenses. They're created on the basis of experience in the industry and contain
techniques which took us years to bring to perfection. The low price and high
availability of such professional knowledge is made possible only because of
popularity of the Network. If you'll share you project without our annotation,
and you'll use our techniques in it, but you f.e. only rename variables,
rearrange methods, rename classes and similar, you'll harm the Network. We'll
lose financial support of people which'll find our work in your projects instead
of there. That's why you have to provide our annotation even in this case (this
doesn't apply if you've bought the Commercial license, when it's enough to
provide an information that the code cannot be shared or used in open-source
projects). Comments in the code won't do any harm to you, they can be shortened
to nothing more than 1-2 lines and you help us keep the Network up and running,
which is a good thing for you too when you'll need another articles about a
topic you need to learn about