A gift that doesn't end up in a drawer

Gift Voucher

Having an up-to-date and professional education to get your dream job is more than just an apartment shop. With our gift voucher, you will please everyone who does not tolerate much about material gifts and prefers to invest in knowledge.

What we offer:

  • 10,000 study materials
  • modern interactive teaching,
  • the best coefficient of employment of graduates on the market.

By purchasing an e-voucher, you will not only make your loved ones happy, but you will also support them in gaining know-how in the most promising field of IT.

18 credits Introduction to
20 lessons and 8 exercises*
Basic idea of how programs are created
Programming your own calculator
42 credits Basics of
60 lessons and 24 exercises*
Basic syntax of the selected language
Creating your own console games
80 credits Basics + advanced
120 lessons and 48 exercises*
Complete introduction to programming
Creating advanced applications and games
180 credits Junior
Complete professional course
Possibility of application as a Junior Programmer
Creation of commercial applications
360 credits Senior
Retraining course
Change of profession
Creation of company projects

The electronic Voucher is used to top up credits on the recipient's account .
For these credits, the recipient can access the course of their choice.

*The number of lessons and exercises depends on the chosen course.

Charge credits
1 $ = 1 credit
$42.00 + $4.00 free bonus
Most popular $80.00 + $12.00 free bonus
$180.00 + $40.00 free bonus
$360.00 + $160.00 free bonus

We use the GOPAY payment gateway GoPay Terms of use

*The gift voucher is valid for 12 months from its purchase. The recipient can, after creating an account on ITnetwork.cz, use the voucher here: https://www.ict.social/gift-voucher
