Lesson 4 - Birthday Reminder in Java Swing - Form design
In the previous lesson, Simple calculator in Java Swing, we learned to handle events and created a simple calculator. In today's lesson, we'll start working on an app to remind friends' birthdays. The app will look as follows:

We'll create a new Java application without the main class named
Form design
As always, we'll start by designing the form. This time, we'll have two of them in the app.
The Overview Form
The overview form is a primary application window with an overview of people
and their birthdays. We'll add a new JFrame Form, named
, to the project. We'll set its title to
. We'll change the code in its main method so that the
form is centered:
public void run() { OverviewJFrame overviewJFrame = new OverviewJFrame(); overviewJFrame.setLocationRelativeTo(null); overviewJFrame.setVisible(true); }
By the way, note that the forms are named using PascalCase (the first letter is capitalized) and its components with camelCase. This is because the form is a class and components are instances.
We'll also need the following components:
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- 1x
Place the labels as shown in the picture above. Set the texts to the labels
on the left as shown in the picture. We won't set the texts to labels on the
right. However, we'll name them so we can later set the text from the code.
Labels on the right side will be named: todayJLabel
, birthdayJLabel
We'll place two JButton
s at the bottom of the form and set their
texts to "Add"
and "Remove"
. You shouldn't be
surprised that their names will be addJButton
. We can add some icons to the buttons. I found those
in the picture above at http://www.iconfinder.com, the size is
32x32 pixels. To set the image, we use the Icon property where we click on the
"..." button. We can now import the image from a project or upload it from an
external location. We'll select the External image and choose an appropriate
image from the disk.
is basically an expanded version of
, which we introduced in the previous lesson. Otherwise,
it works the same way and we'll use it to display a list of people. Name the
list as personsJList
Add Person Form
The second form will be used to add new people and will look as follows:

This time, we won't add the form as an JFrame Form to the project, but as a JDialog Form. If you don't have this option in the menu, you must select Other ... and then select the JDialog Form in the Swing GUI Forms section.
The difference between a dialog and a form is that the dialog is understood
as a single-purpose auxiliary form that mostly serves to enter certain data and
then closes. Therefore, unlike JFrame
, JDialog
can be
marked as modal. A modal dialog is displayed in the foreground
of the application and the entire application then waits for it to close. This
is very useful. We can, for example, display a dialog to add a person and then
refresh the person being displayed. After the modal dialog is displayed, the
method waits for it to close and then resumes, in this case, refreshes the
person detail. If the form wasn't modal, we wouldn't be able to respond well
when it's been closed. Sometimes it's useful that it isn't possible to
manipulate with the application when the dialog is displayed or to display
multiple dialogs at once.
Let's name the dialog as PersonJDialog
and set its title to
"Add Person"
. NetBeans has probably generated the main method into
the JDialog
's source code. We won't need it here, so we'll remove
Next, we'll put the following components into the dialog:
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- 1x
The two JLabels
are here just to describe the text fields, so
just set the text as shown in the picture above, you don't even have to name
them. The third label is used to display the new user's icon to make our form
more user-friendly. You can set the JLabel
icon again using the
icon property. We'll clear the label's text to prevent it from appearing.
As you would expect, JTextField
is a field where the user of the
application can enter any text. It's ideal for the purpose of entering a name.
Some beginners also use it to enter numbers or dates, which is wrong, as we
explained last time. Name the TextField
The JFormattedTextField
component allows us to enter text in the
same way as JTextField
, but maintains a specified format. If we
then read what the user has entered, we always get a meaningful input.
We'll name the component birthdayJFormattedTextField
and proceed
to its formatterFactory
property settings:

Here you can find many ready-made formats for entering numbers, date and time, percent and currency. We'll use the custom option from the date category, where we'll enter the following format:
So we specified that the format of the date entered into the
would be day.month.year
. We can test the
format with the Test button. After confirming, the component will maintain the
specified format and even if the user enters nonsense, e.g. the 13th month,
it'll always return a meaningful value.
Name the button for the dialog confirmation as okButton
and set
its text to "OK"
When running the application, don't forget to set the
as the main form.
We have the forms ready, we'll create classes with application logic in the next lesson, Birthday Reminder in Java Swing - Logic Layer. The created forms are available for download below.
Did you have a problem with anything? Download the sample application below and compare it with your project, you will find the error easily.
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Application includes source codes in language Java