Lesson 3 - Birthday Reminder - Designing Forms
In the previous lesson, Simple Calculator in C# .NET Windows Forms, we learned how to handle events and created a simple calculator. In today's C# .NET tutorial, we're going to work on an app that reminds friends' birthday. The application will look like this:

Form design
As always, we'll start by designing the form. But this time, we'll have two forms in the app.
The Overview Form
The overview form is the main application window, displaying an overview of
the people and their birthdays. We'll rename the form to
, set its title to Anniversary
, and we can
also set an icon for it again. We'll also set the StartPosition
. By the way, notice that forms are named in PascalCase
(the first letter is capital), and the controls in camelCase. This is because
forms are class and its controls are instances.
Next, we're going to need the following controls:
- 8x
- 2x
- 1x
- 1x
Place the labels as shown in the picture above. Set the left side labels'
text as shown in the picture, as well. We won't set text for the labels on the
right side, but we'll set their names so we can set the text from the code
later. Name the labels on the right side as: todayLabel
, birthdayLabel
We'll place two buttons at the bottom and set their Text
and Remove
. You are probably not surprised that
their names are going to be addButton
. We can set some icons to the buttons, those in the
picture can be found at http://www.iconfinder.com. The size is
32x32 pixels. To set the Image
, we'll use the Image
property and click the "..." button. We can now load the image as Local resource
or Project resource. Select Local resource and import the corresponding image
from your computer. To place the image to the left, next to the button's text,
we'll set the TextImageRelation
property to
. We can set the button's height to be automatic
using the AutoSize
property. We'll do the same for the second
is basically an expanded ComboBox
that we
introduced in the previous lesson. Besides that, it works exactly the same and
we'll use it to display the list of people. We'll name the ListBox
as peopleListBox
, and set the Sorted
property to
to sort the items in it, alphabetically in our case.
is used to display an expanded month or several
months. The control is primarily designed to select an interval between two
dates, but we'll use it to show the birthday of the selected person. We'll name
it as birthdayMonthCalendar
and set its Enabled
property to False
, so the user cannot manipulate it. Next, we'll
turn off ShowToday
and set MaxSelectionCount
. This means we can only pick 1 day at a time.
When you run the application and enlarge the form, it'll look like this:

Of course, it'd be more desirable to use the empty space for the list of
people. We may have many more of them, and they may have longer names, too. For
this reason, we'll set anchors for our form controls. The anchor specifies to
which form edges the control is attached to. By default, all controls are
attached only the left and top edges. We surely want the ListBox
stick to the bottom and right edges as well. When the form is resized, the
should be resized too. We'll set the Anchor
property of the ListBox
like this:

However, now if you run the application and resize the form, the result might not be what you expected. We have to modify the controls below and next to the ListBox. These must be attached to the bottom and to the right edge of the window, respectively.
To both buttons, we'll set only the lower anchor. For the
and the four labels above it, we'll turn off the left
anchor and turn on the right one. After resizing the window in the running
application, you should get the following result:

The overview form is now ready.
The Add Person Form
The second form will be for adding new people and will look like this:

To add a new form, we'll right-click the project in Solution Explorer, then
select Add -> Windows Form. We'll name it PersonForm
and set its
title to Add person
. We'll set the StartPosition
and set the icon if you want to. We'll also set the
to FixedSingle
and disable maximizing
using the MaximizeBox
property, so the window can't be resized nor
We'll also add the following controls into the form:
- 2x
- 1x
- 1x
- 1x
- 1x
Labels here are used just to describe the text fields, so just set the
as shown in the picture above, you don't even need to name
is, as you may have guessed, a field where the user of
the application can enter any text. It's ideal for the purpose of entering a
name. Some beginners use it to enter numbers or dates, which is usually wrong,
as we explained last time. Name the TextBox
Again, you may have guessed that the DateTimePicker
will be used
to select date and time. We'll name it birthdayDateTimePicker
. In
Format, we can choose whether we want to select a date (and in what format) or
time. Of course, we're not interested in specific time for birthdays, but we
might find it useful in another app.
We'll name the button to confirm the dialog as okButton
and set
its Text
to OK
is a very interesting control, which is used either
for displaying an image or for drawing shapes, which we'll take a look at in the
following lessons. Here, we'll just put an icon into the PictureBox
to make the form look nicer. You may not be surprised we'll do this using the
property. If the icon is larger than the
, you can set the SizeMode
property to
The forms are ready. In the next lesson, Birthday Reminder - Logic Layer, we'll create classes with the application logic. Created forms are available to download below.
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