Lesson 14 - iOS Weather Forecast App - JSON and GPS

In the previous lesson, iOS weather forecast app - GUI and basic classes, we prepared the GUI and classes for the iOS app that gets the current weather from a web service.

Let's continue by implementing the getCurrentWeatherInfo() method which will, as the name says, return the current weather as a WeatherInfo instance. However, because of the asynchronous nature of this action, the instance won't be returned by the standard return value. We'll use a closure instead.

Getting the URL address

First, we'll need the URL address from which we'll get the data. Let's create a new method which will combine this URL for us:


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In this Swift tutorial, we'll learn to download and parse JSON from a web service API, get permission for the user's GPS location, and show the weather.

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Article has been written for you by Filip Němeček