Lesson 9 - UML - Package Diagram and Deployment Diagram
In the previous lesson, Flowcharts, we digressed from the UML a little and introduced flowcharts that you can still encounter sometimes. In today's UML tutorial, we're going to discuss two other types of UML diagrams. These are the Package diagram and the Deployment diagram. Both diagrams have only a few symbols, so we can manage them both in today's lesson.
Package diagram
The Package diagram is a relatively simple diagram. If you remember the UML diagram types from the beginning of the course, the Package diagram belongs to the structural diagrams. As you know, the same way we group methods into classes, we group classes into packages or namespaces (depending on how these structures are called in a given programming language). Real commercial applications often have hundreds of classes. If they were all global, there would be name collisions and the project would be unclear.
The package diagram describes the structure of packages or namespaces in an application and dependencies between them (how they are nested or accessible).
As always, let's describe what symbols we use in the Package diagram:

We draw the package as a folder icon with its name. The name is sometimes written
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In this UML tutorial, we'll explain the Package diagram in detail and the Deployment diagram as well. Real-world examples are included.
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