Lesson 21 - PHP Testing - Business Standards and Usability
In the previous lesson, PHP Testing - Quality Assurance, CAN PIG RIDE, and ISTQB, we started an important theory about testing. We talked about SLA, QA, CAN PIG RIDE, and ISTQB. We'll complete this theory in today's lesson so we can get back to practical testing again. We're going to introduce the two most important IT business standards - ISO 9001 and IEEE 829. We're going to explain the difference between validation and verification, what's a pilot version, and list different test approaches. In the second part of the lesson, we're going to look at testing the user interface of web applications, learn how to recognize UX and UI, and gain information about increasing profits from web applications by improving their UI.
ISO 9001 and IEEE 829 standards
In addition to the ISTQB, which works in general, you'll meet other standards that are useful for very large projects where these are usually mandatory (e.g. healthcare software). These are:
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Requested article covers this content:
The ISO 9001 and IEEE 829 business standards, verification vs. validation, test. approaches (regressive tests...), user interface tests, UX vs. UI.
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