Lesson 8 - Fake, Codeception Stub and AspectMock
In the previous lesson, MockBuilder and mock / stub methods, we mocked an object and learned to mock or stub its methods, so either to keep its original methods and just limit their execution or to replace them with the stubs returning some prepared value. In today's PHP tutorial, we're going to continue similarly with the implementation, showing how to completely re-implement stub methods (the fake test double). Then, we're going to introduce the Codeception's PHPunit wrapper. And at the end, we'll even mention ways to test badly written code which use Singletons, static members, and so on.
Last time, we showed how to change the return value of a stub method by
calling the will()
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In this tutorial, we'll learn to change stub's implementation using the Fake test double, introduce the Codeception PHPunit wrapper, and AspectMock.
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