Lesson 5 - MySQL step by step: Ordering, Limit, and Aggregation

In the previous lesson, MySQL step by step: Selecting Data (Searching), we prepared test data and learned basic queries. It was the SELECT statement and several operators. Today, we're going to look at ordering and aggregation.


We haven't yet cared about the order of the results that the SELECT query returned. In fact, there even wasn't any order. Internally, the database keeps certain sophisticated rules (which are above the level of this course) and it returned the items as they went. If we made a change in the database and called the same query again, the order would be probably completely different. Of course, the database is able to sort the returned results.

We can sort by any column. When sorting by the id, we get the items in the order they were inserted into the database. We can sort by numeric columns, but also by the text ones (which sorts by alphabet). We can also sort by date and all other data types, the database will always handle it. Let's select all the users and sort them by their last name. We'll use the ORDER BY clause to do so, which comes at the end of the query:

SELECT `first_name`, `last_name` FROM `user` ORDER BY `last_name`

The result:

Patricia    Adams
James       Baker
Donald      Brown
David       Clark
Michelle    Davis
Lisa        Green

Of course, there could also be a WHERE clause in the query, but to keep things simple, we've just selected all the users.

We can sort by several criteria (columns). Let's sort the users by the number articles they wrote and those with the same number also in alphabetical order:

SELECT `first_name` ,`last_name`, `articles_count` FROM `user` ORDER BY `articles_count`, `last_name`

The result:

Michelle        Davis       0
Charles         Lopez       0
Aron            Heaven      1
Daniel          Jones       1
Paul            Lee         1
Betty           Miller      1
Jenifer         Williams    1
Donald          Brown       2
Lucy            Harris      2
Anthony         Jackson     2

Sort direction

Of course, we can also sort in the other direction. We can sort in ascending order (the default direction) with the ASC keyword and in descending with the DESC keyword. Let's try to create a list of the users by the number of their articles. First will be those with the most articles, so we'll sort in descending order. Those with the same number of articles will be sorted in alphabetical order:

SELECT `first_name`, `last_name`, `articles_count` FROM `user` ORDER BY `articles_count` DESC, `last_name`;

The result:

Jeff        Moore       18
John        Smith       17
Donna       Johnson     12
Stephen     Murphy      12
Paul        Walker      9
Carol       Young       9

We always have to specify the DESC keyword again. You can see that the ordering by last_name is ascending because we've put the DESC keyword only after articles_count.


Let's stay with our user rating by their number of articles for a while. Now, we want to list just 10 best users. If you had one million users, it probably wouldn't be a good idea to select all of them and then use just 10 in your application and throw the 999 990 away. We'll define a limit, the maximum number of the entries we want to select. At the same time, we'll define the sorting order. The limit is always at the end of a query:

SELECT `first_name`, `last_name`, `articles_count` FROM `user` ORDER BY `articles_count` DESC, `last_name` LIMIT 10;

Try it.

We can use LIMIT and ORDER BY for other commands as well, such as DELETE or UPDATE. This way, we can ensure that only one entry is deleted or updated.

Aggregation functions

The database offers many of so-called aggregation functions. These are functions that manipulate with multiple values ​​in some way and return just a single value as the result.


An example of such a function is the COUNT() function, that returns the number of table rows that meet certain criteria. Let's count how many users wrote at least one article:

SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `user` WHERE `articles_count` > 0;

The result:


We use SELECT to get the value of COUNT(). COUNT() is not a command, it's a function which gets the table rows as inputs, and the results are returned by the SELECT. We use parentheses to call functions as in other programming languages ​​(at least in most of them). The asterisk means that we're interested in all the columns. For example, we can count only the users who have their name filled in (more precisely, who don't have NULL in the name column but let's keep this for further lessons).

You'd certainly come up with another way to achieve this result. You'd simply select some value as before (for example the name), then send these rows to your application and count how many names there are. The data could be removed then. However, such a transfer would overload the database unnecessarily and slow down the application. COUNT() transfers only a single number. Never count by selecting values, just use the COUNT() function!


AVG() returns the average of given values. Let's look at the average number of articles per user:

SELECT AVG (`articles_count`) FROM `user`;

The result:



SUM() returns the sum of the given values. Let's see how many articles were written by people born since 1980:

SELECT SUM(`articles_count`) FROM `user` WHERE `birth_date` > '1980-1-1';

The result:



The MIN() function returns the minimum (the lowest value). Let's find the lowest date of birth:

SELECT MIN(`birth_date`) FROM `user`;

The result:


Beware, if we'd like to select the first and last names too, this code won't work:

-- This code won't work
SELECT `first_name`, `last_name`, MIN(`birth_date`) FROM `user`;

The aggregation function works with multiple column values and the selected columns (first_name and last_name) won't be related with the value returned by MIN() anyhow. We could solve this problem with a sub-query or even more easily, avoid the MIN() and MAX() functions and use ORDER BY and LIMIT instead:

SELECT `first_name`, `last_name`, `birth_date` FROM `user` ORDER BY `birth_date` LIMIT 1;

The result:

Linda    Martin    1935-05-15


Similar to MIN(), there's also the MAX() function. Let's find the maximum number of articles a user wrote:

SELECT MAX(`articles_count`) FROM `user`;

The result:


MySQL has some more aggregation functions, but these are no longer interesting to us.


We can group database entries by certain criteria. We use grouping almost always together with aggregation functions. Let's group the users by first_name:

SELECT `first_name` FROM `user` GROUP BY `first_name`;

The result:


We can see that each name is included only once, even if there are there multiple times in the database. We'll now add, besides the name, also the number of its occurrences in the table, using the COUNT(*) aggregate function:

SELECT `first_name`, COUNT(*) FROM `user` GROUP BY `first_name`;

The result:

Jeff        1
Jenifer     1
John        2
Joseph      1
Linda       1

We can see that there are, for example, two Johns.


To simplify a query, we can define aliases in it. For example, we can rename a column with a long name to make the query more readable. We'll find this often in queries through multiple tables where it's very useful. For tables, we use AS to simplify the operations within the query. For columns, we use AS so our application can see the data under a different name than it's really in the database. This can be especially useful for aggregation functions because there's no column for their result in the database, so it could be difficult to work with the result instead. Let's modify our last query:

SELECT `first_name`, COUNT(*) AS `cnt` FROM `user` GROUP BY `first_name`;

The result:

Jeff        1
Jennifer    1
John        2
Joseph      1
Linda       1

In the next lesson MySQL step by step: Data Types and NULL, we'll say something about NULL and introduce charts of data types in MySQL. I also have some additional test data for you, for a content management system, so we can do more advanced queries :)


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Article has been written for you by David Capka Hartinger
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The author is a programmer, who likes web technologies and being the lead/chief article writer at ICT.social. He shares his knowledge with the community and is always looking to improve. He believes that anyone can do what they set their mind to.
Unicorn university David learned IT at the Unicorn University - a prestigious college providing education on IT and economics.