Lesson 5 - Java testing - Unit tests of real applications II
In the previous lesson, Java Testing - Unit Tests of Real Applications I, we discussed unit tests for a class parsing hashtags from string messages. In today's lesson, we're going to look at another practical demonstration of unit tests in Java, again from a real application. This time we'll learn to test the persistent layer, i.e. whether the saving and loading of objects works. We can stick with the application with messages and hashtags.
The Testing Environment
The application's database layer is typically larger and includes at least a
few managers and entity classes. Creating test data in every test, as we did
with TagAnalyzerTest
, would be a lot of unnecessary work. So we'll
use a little trick and create a static TestEnvironment
class that
will provide us with test data for our next tests.
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Requested article covers this content:
We'll analyze the source code of a unit test from a real Java app storing data in a database. We'll test the persistence layer using test data.
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