Lesson 16 - Windows Forms Controls For The Fourth Time
In the previous lesson, Windows Forms - Dialogs, we took a look at application menus and
dialogs. Today, we're going to look at how to use RichTextBox
, TabControl
, LinkLabel
and ProgressBar

This is a special type of TextBox
which allows us to specify in
what format the user will be able to enter data into it. This is useful, for
example, for entering telephone numbers and other similar data. The user can't
enter anything other than the allowed format into the box, therefore there's no
need to validate the value.
The key property here is Mask
, which specifies the format of the
entered value. If we don't choose from the predefined ones, we can easily create
our own. We'll select <Custom>
and enter our desired format
into the Mask box below. For example, 00/00/0000
would be a format
for entering a specific date.
In addition to the zeros, we can use the L
symbol for letters.
If we want to allow any character we use ?
. A
the user to enter either a letter or a number. 0
is only for
numbers, and 9
allows numbers + free space.

can be described as "a TextBox
steroids". It allows advanced text formatting and other tweaks. The main thing
is that we can change the font or color for specific part of text only. Of
course, we can do that for the entire text using the ForeColor
(text color) and the BackColor
(background color) properties, but
this can be done even with the TextBox
We select a specific part of the text by using the Select()
method. It takes the indexes of the selection we want to format as parameters -
the start index and end index. We can simply pass numbers or properties/methods,
as is illustrated by the example below.
richTextBox1.Select(richTextBox1.Text.IndexOf("text"), "text".Length); // or richTextBox1.Select(0, 6);
The code selects the text "text"
and then allows us to work with
it. Of course, we could've used LastIndexOf()
as well. The selected
text is then accessed using Selection[Font, BackColor, etc.]
. So
styling part of the text would look something like this:
richTextBox1.SelectionFont = new Font("Microsoft sans", 20); richTextBox1.SelectionBackColor = Color.Wheat; richTextBox1.SelectionColor = Color.Navy;
Of all the properties, it's worth mentioning MaxLength
, which
specifies the maximum number of characters that the RichTextBox
contain. RightMargin
specifies the margin on the right side.
is also quite useful and serves for zooming the
There are many events. TextChanged
will come in handy, and as
the name already suggests, it's called when the text has changed.
is triggered when a URL link in the text has been

As can be deduced from the name (as with the other controls), it's simply a
that acts as a link to a website. The properties are also
similar to the ordinary Label
. However, its use isn't very
intuitive. By using the LinkArea
property, we specify which part of
the LinkLabel
can be clicked on. Start
specifies the
start index, and Length
specifies the number of characters. The
basic usage could look like this:
LinkLabel.Link link = new LinkLabel.Link(); link.LinkData = "https://www.ict.social/"; linkLabel1.Links.Add(link);
We put the code above into the form constructor or the Load
event handler of the form. The main event of LinkLabel
. It's necessary to write the following code in it:
Process.Start(e.Link.LinkData as String);
It'll send a command to the system, and the set URL will be opened in the
default browser. To use this, you must first add
using System.Diagnostics
This is a very handy control that allows us to perform certain actions
automatically after a given time interval has elapsed. The key property here is
, which specifies the interval between actions being
performed in milliseconds. 60.000 ms is 1 minute. Quite important is also the
property, which specifies whether the Timer
active when the app is launched. The second option is to start it using the
method. The Stop()
method then logically stops
the Timer
doesn't have its own thread, so keep in mind
that when you perform more complex actions, it may freeze the entire form.
has only a single event, which is Tick
invoked in given time intervals.

This is a control with tabs, which is best explained by the picture above. It
contains several tabs in which we can place other controls (similarly as with
) and then switch between the tabs. We can add individual
"tabs" in the TabControl
properties under the TabPages
item, where we can also name them. The tabs act as containers, in which we can
add additional controls. Other properties only modify the appearance.
You can also use the TabControl
as an installation wizard. The
tab bar can't be hidden, but you can hide it outside of the window, as shows the
screenshot below.

We can then switch to the next tab in the code, e.g. by using its name as follows:
tabControl1.SelectTab("[name of the tab]");
Or by its index:
tabControl1.SelectedIndex = [index];

It's useful, for example, to inform the user of the progress of some process
in the application. The Maximum
property specifies how many
"fields" the progressbar has. The Style
property is also important,
which sets the visual style of the progress, and finally Step
which specifies how much will be filled when we call the
method. There are three options to choose from -
, Continuous
, and Marquee
. The last
one is different. If set, the ProgressBar
doesn't show a progress,
but "runs" endlessly instead. You can also set the speed, which can be found as
the MarqueeAnimationSpeed
The Marquee
can't be simply turned on,
so we need to use a little "trick". If we want it to run not before we activate
it, we must first set it to Continuous
and then set somewhere in
the code:
progressBar1.Style = ProgressBarStyle.Marquee;
We can stop it in the same way.
progressBar1.Style = ProgressBarStyle.Continuous;
To reset the ProgressBar
, we set its Value
. We can also hide it using the Hide()
method and
then make it appear again using the Show()
method. In the next
lesson, Custom Controls In C# .NET, we'll show how to create our own controls.