Lesson 5 - Tasks - Better Parallel Programming in C# .NET
Working with threads is quite uncomfortable, especially because there's no simple way to get the return value from a thread or to keep using a thread once it finished its work. In the previous lesson, Daemons, ThreadPool, and asynchronous delegates in C# .NET, we learned that we can solve some of these problems by using asynchronous delegates.
Since version 4.0, the .NET framework goes further and introduces the
class which solves the above-mentioned issues. The codes shown
below work under version 4.5 and later. Tasks are part of Parallel Library,
which we'll mention further.
We understand Tasks as small parts of an application which runs in parallel and they can be nested. Internally, they are implemented as background threads in a pool. When we divide our applications into tasks, we get more performance.
Running a task
We can run a task on another thread using the static
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In this tutorial, we'll introduce Tasks which are in C# since .NET 4, work using ThreadPool, and make creating multi-threaded apps much easier.
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