Object-Oriented Programming in VB.NET - Online course

Learn the object-oriented programming in Visual Basic in this online course from the first object-oriented app to advanced .NET framework structures.

21 interactive lessons

30 individual tasks

Price: $15.30

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Introduction to object-oriented programming in VB.NET
First object-oriented application in VB - Hello object world
Solved tasks for OOP in VB .NET lesson 1-2
RollingDie in VB.NET - Constructors and random numbers
Solved tasks for OOP in VB .NET lesson 3
Reference and value data types in VB.NET
Solved tasks for OOP in VB .NET lesson 4
Warrior for the arena in VB.NET
Arena with warriors in VB.NET
Inheritance and polymorphism in VB.NET
Arena with a mage in VB.NET (inheritance and polymorphism)
Solved tasks for OOP in VB .NET lessons 5-8
Shared class members in VB.NET
Solved tasks for OOP in VB .NET lesson 9
Properties in VB.NET
Date and time in VB.NET
Solved tasks for OOP in VB .NET lesson 11
Lists in VB.NET
Diary with a database in VB.NET
Solved tasks for OOP in VB .NET lessons 12-13
Interfaces in VB.NET
Type casting and object hierarchy in VB.NET
Abstract class, comparing and operator overloading in VB.NET
Solved tasks for OOP in VB .NET lessons 14-16
Indexers, Equals, constants, enums and flags in VB.NET
Delegates, anonymous methods and lambdas in VB.NET
Solved tasks for OOP in VB .NET lessons 17-18
Events in VB.NET
Solved tasks for OOP in VB .NET lesson 19
Structures, boxing, partial members and methods in detail
Nullable types, cloning, attributes, destructor and more

