Testing in PHP - Online course

Learn PHP testing, unit tests, acceptance tests, testing web applications using Selenium, data mocking, stubbing, and more in this online course.

23 lessons

Price: $41.94

Start course for free Purchasing the PRO version of the course will give you permanent access to lessons and exercises tagged PRO and also the possibility to take tests.
Introduction to web application testing in PHP
Introduction to unit tests in PHP and PHPUnit installation
PHP Testing - Finishing Unit Tests
PHPUnit DataProvider and BestPractices
PHP Testing - Xdebug and coverage reports
Dependency Injection and Test doubles
MockBuilder and mock / stub methods
Fake, Codeception Stub and AspectMock
Unit Tests of Commercial Applications I
Unit tests of Commercial Applications II
Unit tests of Commercial Applications III
Introduction to acceptance tests in PHP and creating GUI
PHP testing - Creating Selenium acceptance tests
PhpBrowser vs. WebDriver and Selenium server configuration
PHP Testing - Selenium WebDriver syntax overview
PHP Testing - More Selenium WebDriver Syntax
PHP Testing - Useful AcceptanceTester class extensions
PHP Testing - Acceptance tests of commercial applications I
PHP Testing - Acceptance tests of commercial applications II
PHP Testing - Quality Assurance, CAN PIG RIDE, and ISTQB
PHP Testing - Business Standards and Usability
PHP Testing - Performance testing using cloud services
PHP Testing - Practicing Apache JMeter

