Lesson 16 - Anonymous Objects And Prototypes In JavaScript

In the previous lesson, Encapsulation In JavaScript, we looked at encapsulation. In today's JavaScript tutorial, we're going to go over the promised prototypes that we've successfully avoided until now. Today, we're finally going to understand how OOP in JavaScript works under the hood, learn to read older source codes (which you'd encounter sooner or later anyway :) ), and we'll be able to debug our code better by fully understanding its structure. We're going to learn to extend already existing classes and use new operators.

Creating Objects In JavaScript

Objects are fundamental JavaScript components. Virtually everything in JavaScript can be perceived as an object. We can create objects by ourselves. There are several ways to do it. We should be aware how they work at least to be able to read others' source codes. Let's introduce JavaScript objects in depth.

new Object()

The first way is to use new Object() to create a new empty object. We already know that we can add properties and methods to JavaScript objects freely, even they've been already created, although this is not a good practice. Let's try this approach:


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In this JavaScript tutorial, we'll explain how to create anonymous objects and prototypes to be able to read older programs and debug code better.

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Article has been written for you by Drahomir Hanak