Lesson 6 - Multithreading in Java - Semaphore
In the previous lesson, Multithreading in Java - Useful components for parallelism, we summarized other available techniques for parallel programming. Today, we're going to show the first of the advanced classes for parallel programming - the semaphore.
Critical Section
Before describing individual synchronization primitives, we'll explain what exactly a critical section is. In the previous lessons, we mentioned it briefly, but didn't explain it in detail. Let's fix that.
A critical section is where concurrency occurs, i.e. where common data is being accessed.

Our goal is to ensure that only one process/thread works with the critical section at a time.
Each critical section refers to specific data being accessed in
it (x
, y
, z
, s1
, ...). We
try to not lock everything but only specific critical
places where the data is shared.
We've already introduced one synchronization primitive: monitor.
Monitor support must be implemented directly in the programming language. In
Java, the monitor is implemented using the synchronized
Now let's move on to other primitives.
The Semaphore in C
To understand the principles of the semaphore, we'll show a short abstract implementation in the C language. Dijkstra (1962/1963) designed a primitive that simplifies
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In this tutorial, we'll introduce advanced techniques for parallel programming in Java. We'll describe the semaphore.
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