Visual Studio Code, WebStorm and JS debugging - Online course

The tutorials in this section explain how to understand debugging in JavaScript. You will learn how to debug various JavaScript applications. This online course will expand your knowledge and competencies in working with Visual Studio Code, WebStorm and teach you to debug on a professional level.

What will the course teach you?

Do you know how the term debugging came about? And what are the basic principles of correct debugging of JavaScript code? In this tutorial, you will learn the difference between syntactic and logical errors and how to resolve them if you detect them in your own or someone else's code. You will learn debugging not only in the IDE but also in a web browser such as Chrome or Firefox.

After a brief introduction to terminology, you will be introduced to the tools used for debugging. We will show you how to debug a program and how to set breakpoints, so we can reveal on which line of code the error occurs. However, we will not only work in a web browser, it is important to learn to work with the development environment. Therefore, we will show advanced work in IDE VS Code and WebStorm. Sufficient lessons are devoted to everyone.

6 lessons

Online debugging tutorial in JavaScript

