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Programming forum

Programming - classic languages

Topics Posts Threads Last
.NET (C# and Visual Basic) .NET (C# and Visual Basic) .NET (C# and Visual Basic)
Global discussion about programming in C# and Visual Basic, Microsoft Visual Studio, .NET technology, ASP.NET, MonoGame and related topics.
4659 posts , 2424 threads, 11:46
4659 2424 11:46
Java Java Java
Global discussion about programming in Java, standard edition (SE), Enterprise Edition (EE), JavaFX, frameworks (Spring, Hibernate) and other topics.
82 posts , 18 threads, 9. May
82 18 9. May
C and C++ C and C++ C and C++
A discussion forum about programming in the C and C++ languages. The ANSI C, C++ builder, Visual C++, Visual Studio etc.
22 posts , 8 threads, 9. May
22 8 9. May
Python Python Python
A discussion about the Python programming language and its libraries.
24 posts , 9 threads, 12/6/2023
24 9 12/6/2023
Assembly Assembly Assembly
Discussion about programming in ASM, x86, x64. Low-level operations, working with hardware, information and manual exchange.
111 posts , 37 threads, 5. June
111 37 5. June
Other programming languages Other programming languages Other programming languages
Feel free to discuss any language which doesn't have a forum here yet.
79 posts , 43 threads, 24. May
79 43 24. May

Web languages

Topics Posts Threads Last
Discussion forum about PHP, the MySQL database and developing dynamic websites, guestbooks, mail forms, polls and advanced web systems and sites.
47 posts , 18 threads, 9. May
47 18 9. May
Discussion forum about HTML and CSS, web development, webdesign, styling, layouts, elements, new HTML 5 and CSS 3 specifications.
152 posts , 41 threads, Yesterday 7:40
152 41 Yesterday 7:40
JavaScript JavaScript JavaScript
JavaScript, jQuery, and AJAX. A discussion forum about all these technologies, interactive web widgets, effects, etc.
7 posts , 3 threads, 29. February
7 3 29. February
Webdesign Webdesign Webdesign
The general discussion about webdesign, trends, responsive websites, CSS hacks, compatibility issues and so on.
85 posts , 15 threads, 22. May
85 15 22. May
Discussion forum about deploying and configuring content management systems (Wordpress, Drupal, PrestaShop, OpenCart, Joomla!...), modules, plugins, ...
74 posts , 21 threads, 26. May
74 21 26. May
Web Criticism - Show Your Website! Web Criticism - Show Your Website! Web Criticism - Show Your Website!
Are you a webmaster or a web developer? Do you have your own website? Show us! Other coders will rate its design and code.
16 posts , 8 threads, 8/30/2023
16 8 8/30/2023

The icons are mainly from the Metro UI Icon Set.
