Lesson 27 - DependencyProperties in C# .NET WPF

In first WPF lessons, we've learned about principles of data binding and the INotifyPropertyChanged interface. We know that these are powerful tools and are even necessary to build more robust applications. Otherwise, manually, it'd be very difficult to make sure form data are up-to-date with the data in the application.

In addition to INotifyPropertyChanged, WPF has another tool that can also automatically respond to value changes of a property. This tool is called Dependency Properties.

Dependency Properties

WPF went for it from scratch and came up with an innovation of C# properties. The concept of Dependency Properties is much more complex and powerful.

All WPF controls are built on Dependency Properties internally. That's so they can support data binding even in the opposite direction. This way it's internally possible that a TextBlock changes its Text, which is a DependencyProperty and not a common CLR property, as we've probably thought so far.


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We'll talk about what can DependencyProperties in WPF do extra than classic C# properties in combination with INotifyPropertyChanged and where to use them.

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Article has been written for you by Filip Smolík