AES Crypto Editor in C# .NET

This application is my fourth network communication program. The previous programs were: FTP Web Client, Web Explorer and E-mail client. The AES crypto Editor is based on the latter, since it already provided encryption of the text using the Vernam's cipher. AES Crypto Editor uses the Rijndael algorithm based AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) to encrypt text. The program can create, edit and encrypt any simple text.


The program control is intuitive. The "File" control group allows to use the above-mentioned actions.


  • "Load encryption key" will load the key. In box next to the Help button, the key name will be displayed.
  • "Load encrypted file" loads encrypted file into the editor. If the encryption key of the file isn't loaded, it is necessary to load it first.
  • "Decrypt and edit" decrypts the text if the proper key is loaded to it.
  • "Encrypt" encrypts the text.
  • "Save encrypted text into sec and key files" saves the encrypted text into sec and key files. The sec file also contains initialization part. After it, then the key file with the encryption key is saved.
  • "Open and edit text file" loads and allows to edit a regular txt or rtf file.
  • "Create new text" clears the text box and allows to write a new text in it.
  • "Save text into file" saves the text into file with custom name.

Note: For the safety of the text, it is necessary to save the keys and the files into different storage mediums. Also for distribution, it is necessary to use different communication channels for keys and encrypted files.

The program can be distributed freely.

Note: The program control was improved after I recommended to use it in my steganography article.


Program was created in 2015.



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Application includes source codes in language C# .NET


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