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Lesson 19 - Use of API in C# .NET

In the previous lesson, Finishing Our City Database using MS Excel Files in C# .NET, we learned how to write and read data from MS Excel files and finished our simple city database.

Today we'll talk about the use of a web API (Application Programming Interface), with which we'll communicate within our application. This interface allows programmers to use already programmed solutions and then integrate them into their programs. Programmers then use already defined components. We can imagine an API as a waiter who ensures communication between a customer and a chef.

In this case, we'll create a simple WPF application that will show us a well-known xkcd comics among programmers. We'll also add the ability to detect sunset and sunrise times to try calling more various APIs.

Designing Forms

We'll create a WPF application in which we'll create two windows.


The code for the first window named MainWindow will look like this:


...End of the preview...
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In the tutorial, we'll try calling an API server in C# .NET and process received data in a WPF form application.

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Article has been written for you by Filip Smolík