Lesson 11 - More on C# conditions
In the previous exercise, Solved tasks for C# .NET lesson 10, we've practiced our knowledge from previous lessons.
In today's lesson, we'll introduce 2 more constructs which are related to the conditions. It's a relaxing tutorial to complete this topic.
The ternary operator
It often happens that we need to set 2 different values somewhere depending on whether a condition applies.
Example - Gender list
For example, imagine we have the gender of the user saved as
(men would be true
) and we'd like to convert it
to text. With our current knowledge, we'd write something like this:
bool man = true; // some variable indicating the gender
string genderName;
if (man)
genderName = "man";
genderName = "woman";
The output of the program is of course as follows:
Console application
The code is relatively lengthy, even if it only decides between two values. Therefore, programming languages often support the ternary expression.
The ternary expression syntax
Using this operator we can get a value according to the validity of the logical expression. We write it as follows:
(expression) ? value1 : value2
We usually put the condition in parentheses ()
, followed by a
question mark ?
and 2 values to be returned. The values are
separated by a colon :
, the first is returned when the condition is
and the second when it isn't. How simple! The name of the operator is derived
from the fact that it has 3 parts (condition, first value and second value),
therefore ternary.
Example - Use of the ternary expression
Let's try a ternary operator on the example with the gender:
bool man = true; // some variable indicating the gender
string genderName = (man) ? "man" : "woman";
Instead of the bool
type, we can of course write any other
condition in parentheses, eg.
(age >= 18) ? "adult" : "underage"
. In the case of
simple expressions, we can omit parentheses.
Nesting ternary operators
Ternary operators can theoretically be nested in each other and thus respond to 3 or more values. However, in most cases of nesting, the code is rather unclear, because it results in long or strangely wrapped lines and it's not possible to see at a glance which part will be executed. Let's show how the nesting of ternary expressions would handle 3 genders:
string gender = "ufo"; // some variable indicating the gender
string genderName = (gender== "man") ? "man" : (gender == "woman") ? "woman" : "unknown";
For the example above, it'd be better to create our own method, which we'll show in the following course on the object-oriented programming.
We've already seen the switch
construct in the "Conditions
(branching)". Today we'll show its further use, unlike the ternary operator,
it's more of a historical functionality, for which there are not many reasonable
uses today. However, it's still part of the standart C# .NET grammar, and you
can come across it in some source code.
Example - Trimester
Let's assume that we want to find out which quarter of the year it is by
month. Using if
and else
, the example would look like
int month = 2;
if (month >= 1 && month <= 3)
Console.WriteLine("It's the first quarter.");
else if (mesic >= 4 && mesic <= 6)
Console.WriteLine("It's the second quarter.");
else if (mesic >= 7 && mesic <= 9)
Console.WriteLine("It's the third quarter.");
else if (mesic >= 10 && mesic <= 12)
Console.WriteLine("It's the fourth quarter.");
But how to use switch
for such an example? You might come up
with the following code:
int month = 11;
switch (month)
case 1:
Console.WriteLine("It's the first quarter.");
case 2:
Console.WriteLine("It's the first quarter.");
case 3:
Console.WriteLine("It's the first quarter.");
case 4:
Console.WriteLine("It's the second quarter.");
case 5:
Console.WriteLine("It's the second quarter.");
case 6:
Console.WriteLine("It's the second quarter.");
case 7:
Console.WriteLine("It's the third quarter.");
case 8:
Console.WriteLine("It's the third quarter.");
case 9:
Console.WriteLine("It's the third quarter.");
case 10:
Console.WriteLine("It's the fourth quarter.");
case 11:
Console.WriteLine("It's the fourth quarter.");
case 12:
Console.WriteLine("It's the fourth quarter.");
The example works reliably, but the problem is that we didn't help much with this code. We should always avoid such repetitive code.
Let's try it again and use falling-through. If we need to
execute the same code in multiple case
blocks, we just insert these
blocks under each other and don't end each block with break
, but
the whole group of blocks with one break
. Such blocks thus fall
through and code common to multiple blocks is executed:
int month = 11;
switch (month)
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
Console.WriteLine("It's the first quarter.");
case 4:
case 5:
case 6:
Console.WriteLine("It's the second quarter.");
case 7:
case 8:
case 9:
Console.WriteLine("It's the third quarter.");
case 10:
case 11:
case 12:
Console.WriteLine("It's the fourth quarter.");
Sample application output:
Console application
It's the fourth quarter.
This code is already much cleaner. However, the switch
has added value in case we can't use greater than/less than and it's enumeration
of values, here it's more of redundant code full of empty
C# only supports falling-through in empty cases
You can try that once they contain some code, the code will not compile without
. Even from non-empty cases
it can theoretically
fall-through into others with the goto case value;
but this
is a bad and confusing practice, so don't use it!
Use falling-through in switch
constructs only if you have a good
reason for it, but it's important that you can read it when you come across it
In the next lesson, More on C# loops , we'll show another loop syntax that we may encounter in foreign source code.