Lesson 18 - E-shop in ASP.NET Core MVC - Persons - Finishing up

In the previous lesson, E-shop in ASP.NET Core MVC - Persons - Views, we prepared a view for person registration. In today's ASP.NET Core MVC tutorial, we're going to complete the registration and person management by processing the form data. The complete source code of the project is, after a long time, attached below.

Application layer

The basis for processing data from the form will be to modify the Register() action in AccountController. First, we'll create entries in the Persons table and the tables bound to it. To do this, we'll write a new method in AccountManager. Only then we'll create an entry in the Users table, to which we'll set the same Id value as our new person has. Finally, we'll log the newly registered user in.

Now the consequences of my earlier decision to define the viewmodels in the application layer will be reflected. If they were defined in the business layer, we could now pass the entire viewmodel as a parameter to the appropriate method in the manager. This way, we first have to divide it into corresponding objects. Fortunately, with AutoMapper it shouldn't be very complicated. Besides, in principle this solution is probably better.


AutoMapper is a handy tool for mapping one object to another. Install the AutoMapper.Extensions.Microsoft.DependencyInjection package using the NuGet Package Manager. First we need to define which objects to map and how. We can create an auxiliary class for this configuration, we can name it AutomapperConfigurationProfile:


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We'll finish the registration in our e-shop, processing the registration data using AutoMapper. We'll add a registration data editor for existing users.

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Article has been written for you by Martin Petrovaj