Lesson 17 - Template Classes in C++

In the previous lesson, Abstract classes and interfaces in C++, we went over abstract classes. In today's C++ tutorial, we're going to look at template classes. We've already met templates in the templates lesson. We already know that templates allow us to create generic functionality, independent of the data type, which we don't specify until the template is used. Using templates in OOP is almost identical, therefore we're going to rather get into the syntax quickly and then try to program a resizable array, but this time in pure OOP.

Template Classes

As with template functions, we first add the template keyword before declaring the class, along with the parameters to replace the types with. This is followed by the classic class declaration where the template parameter can be used instead of a specific data type. As with the functions, the entire declaration must be placed in the .h file. You can read why in the previous lesson. However, this doesn't mean we can't separate the class declaration and its implementation. It only means that both the declaration and the implementation must be in the header file.

If we separate the implementation, we must add the template keyword


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We'll show you how to declare template classes in C++ and how we can use them.

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