Lesson 10 - Enumeration types

In the last lesson, Binary operations, we talked about binary operations.

We've already mentioned the bit flags, to which we apply binary operations. It would be impractical to remember individual numbers (or even in binary form). It'd be easier to name individual values and work only with symbolic names. This is the task of enumeration types.

Enumeration type

Examples of enumeration types can be months or days of the week. One of the most basic solutions would be to define an integer and say that the value 0 will represent January, the value 1 February, etc. This solution will work and can be used in the program, but we (lazy programmers) must remember which month has which number. In addition, this approach prevents the IDE from intelligently suggesting and verifying that we actually wrote what we wanted to write.

This created a requirement to remember names instead of values. You will definitely think of several ways, such as defining a few constants. A global structure with predefined values could serve just as well. C++ solves this requirement even better -


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This time we will look at enumeration types that we can use to logically group and name a set of related values.

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Article has been written for you by Richard Bleier