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10 popular programming languages ​​2019 which prospects better?
For beginner programming, the biggest difficulty is not to know where to start. I don't know which programming language should be selected.

Some people tell you to learn Java, because people are now useful;

Some people tell you to learn Python first, easy to learn, it is the preferred language of artificial intelligence;

Some people will tell you first to learn JavaScript and have invincible.


Which programming language should you learn?

o matter which programming language, there is its own advantage. This article lists the most popular programming languages, which is based on data derived from the Tiobe programming community index, which indicates the common indicators of the programming language.

Tiobe ranked times by analyzing Yahoo, Ben, Wiki Media, Amazon, Baidu and YouTube data. Variations of global professional developers, training courses, and third-party suppliers are also considered in this list.

018 top programming language

The following table contains 20 larger programming languages ​​and their situations compared to last year. After that, this top ten languages ​​simply:

Now you may wish to introduce the top ten programming languages ​​in this list:

01, Java: Uncontrolled winners

As with a year ago, Java is still the most popular programming language. According to Tiobe data, Java is more often listed in the list than other languages ​​for decades. Many well-known companies use Java to develop software and applications, so if you happen to use Java, you must never have to worry about finding work. The main reason for Java is to have portability, scalability and huge user communities.

02, classic C language

As one of the oldest programming languages, C remains high, this is attributed to its portability and Microsoft, Oracle and Apple, etc. use it. It is compatible with almost all systems and is ideal for operating systems and embedded systems. Since the runtime environment is relatively small, C is the perfect selection of this system streamlined. It is highly recommended that beginners learn C, which is actually a general language of programming languages, which has spawned the same very popular derivative language, such as C ++ and C #.

03, C ++ continue to dominate

This object-oriented programming language is developed in the 1980s, and is still applicable to many systems from the desktop web application to the server infrastructure. Due to flexibility, high performance and available in a variety of environments, C ++ is still delicious. Work in C ++ often requires a desktop application for performance-oriented tasks. Mastering C ++ can understand the programming language more in depth to help get the skills of low-level memory processing.

04, Python: continuously rising

In the past 15 years, Python's popularity has risen steadily. Over the past few years, it has been able to rank among the top 5 of the Tiobe index. As a main language behind artificial intelligence, machine learning, big data and robots, etc., PY

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