Lesson 15 - iOS Weather Forecast App - The UserDefaults storage

In the previous lesson, iOS Weather Forecast App - JSON and GPS, we made a weather app for iOS work, downloading data from a web service.

I promised to continue with saving data to the "new" UserDefaults storage in case of the user being offline. We'll learn to determine that as well.

Saving to UserDefaults

In iOS, UserDefaults is an easy way to store simple data types and various data along with them. For this app, e.g. a database wouldn't be the best choice.

Before getting started with UserDefaults, let's open Main.storyboard and add one more Label at the top of the StackView. We'll then connect it to the View Controller. You can name it e.g. lastUpdateInfo. It'll let the user know when the data was received.

It's better to drop the Label to the component list (instead of dropping to the View Controller preview) by which we can easily place it at the top of the StackView. Then we'll just set the font, color and erase the text.

Label for displaying the date and time of the data last received

Key constants

Because UserDefaults use


...End of the preview...
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In this Swift tutorial, we'll save the weather data into the UserDefaults storage for case of no Internet connection. We'll learn to detect the connection.

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Article has been written for you by Filip Němeček