Lesson 11 - iOS ToDo app in Swift - Custom TableViewCell

In the previous lesson, iOS ToDo app in Swift - Working with the database, we talked about working with the Realm database in iOS.

To learn how to sort data, we're going to sort tasks by their priority. We'll use custom TableViewCell which is useful in many cases since the basic cells often aren't enough. We'll indicate the task priority by color.

Let's drop a regular View component on our PrototypeCell and using constraints, align it 0 from the left, top, and bottom edge. We'll finish the constraints by setting just the Width to e.g. 15.

Next to this View, we'll also drop a Label to display the task text. We'll align the Label e.g. 10 from the left edge (i.e. from the priority View), vertically. Now the constraints are finished.

The main View Controller should look like this now:

ViewController custom table cell in Swift

Because we're creating a custom TableViewCell, we'll need a custom class for it as well. Let's add a new file to the project and don't forget to choose Cocoa Touch Class, so that we can make the class a UITableViewCell subclass. We'll name it ToDoTableViewCell. The generated code looks like this:


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In this tutorial, we'll create a custom cell for TableView and add choosing the task priority to our ToDo app in Swift for iOS.

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Article has been written for you by Filip Němeček