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Discussion: Java convert an Int to a String

In the previous quiz, Online Java Quiz, we tested our experience gained from the course.

tombezlar:3/24/2021 6:29

Here are 3 ways to convert an int to a String

String s = String.valueOf(n);
String s = Integer.toStrin­g(n);
String s = "" + n;

I understand what we did for the first and second methods. But can someone please explain what does 3rd method do? In other words, how does "" convert integer into string? Thanks

3/24/2021 6:29
Replies to tombezlar
David Capka Hartinger:3/25/2021 6:03

The third method forces the compiler to convert n to string. Concatenating (adding strings together by using the + operator) even an empty string in this case with anything else will always result in a string. So the number has to be converted to make the resulting string. Anyway, this is a weird method to do such thing and can be misunderstood, use the 2 above.

Edited 3/25/2021 6:04
Up Reply
3/25/2021 6:03
You can walk through a storm and feel the wind but you know you are not the wind.
Rahul Kumar
Rahul Kumar:12/24/2021 2:30

Thanks for sharing this information.
Java Course in Pune.

Edited 12/24/2021 2:31
Up Reply
12/24/2021 2:30
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