Lesson 2 - Iterators, Generators and Some Functions in Python

In the last lesson, Python Collections - Tuples and Lists, we learned in depth about working with tuples and lists.

In this lesson, we'll introduce some of the more advanced techniques of functional programming in Python. Let's look at lambda functions, iterators and generators, and a few built-in functions.

Iterators and Generators


Iterators are objects that have the special __next__ method and return a single value each time. Iterators are a subset of iterable objects that have the special __iter__ method. We used iterable objects, for example, in the for loop. But let's go back to the iterators. We create an iterator using the iter() function from an iterable object, such as a list.



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In this tutorial we'll take a look at iterators and generators. We'll also deepen our knowledge of comprehensions and learn a few built-in functions.

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