Discussion: Group chat

In the previous quiz, Online PHP Quiz, we tested our experience gained from the course.

gatkouth nyuel:12/8/2016 16:13

Can anyone design group chatting room using php as front end and my SQL as back end.

12/8/2016 16:13
ICT for Life
Replies to gatkouth nyuel
David Capka Hartinger:12/9/2016 3:51

It depends for how many users you want to create it. Coding a group chat for up to 20 users is quite easy, all you need to know is just basics of HTML, PHP and SQL. You might be interested in those courses:

You can just create a page with a form to submit a message. All your users will visit this page and if you add some JavaScript timer or AJAX to refresh the page every few seconds, it'll look and feel like a live chat.

If you want to make something bigger for more users, refreshing the page every few seconds would fry the server. You'd have to use websockets and create a custom server, which is quite complicated.

Up Reply
12/9/2016 3:51
You can walk through a storm and feel the wind but you know you are not the wind.
acabalgregg:1/12/2017 7:45

hello guys im a beginer to php .
im trying to creat a basic searh engine and it has error in line 7,
can help about this code?

Up Reply
1/12/2017 7:45
Replies to acabalgregg
David Capka Hartinger:1/12/2017 9:40

Omit the double quotes in the mysqli_connect() function, you're putting strings into another string. It should be like this:

mysqli_connect('localhost', 'root', '', 'user');
Up Reply
1/12/2017 9:40
You can walk through a storm and feel the wind but you know you are not the wind.
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