Lesson 13 - Simple CMS in Laravel - Finalizing contact form

In the previous lesson, Simple CMS in Laravel - Contact form, we developed a contact form for our Laravel application.

In today's lesson we will add a controller and routes for the contact form.

Contact form

We have already created an email message. All we have to do is throw ourselves into creating the contact form itself, which will be very simple. Let's start with the controller.


We will create an empty controller called ContactController with the already known Artisan command make:controller:

php artisan make:controller ContactController

If you are asking why we are not creating a controller with a single action, remember that the contact form must implement two actions - displaying and processing the form.


However, before we start editing anything in the given controller, we will prepare the HTTP request class for the


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By adding a contact form we will complete the basis of a content management system based on the Laravel PHP framework.

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Article has been written for you by Lishaak
Author is interested in programming mostly at web development, sometimes he does funny video edits from his vacations. He also loves memes and a lot of TV series :)