Lesson 6 - Working with ZIP archives in PHP
In the previous lesson, Working with INI files in PHP, we learned about text files in the INI format and how to work with them in PHP.
In today's lesson, we'll take a look at the ZIP file format, which allows us
to package multiple files or entire folders into a single file and compress them
losslessly. This allows us to send the visitor of our website as little data as
possible and save both his and our internet bandwidth
We will learn how to:
- install the necessary extensions,
- create a ZIP archive fill it with files,
- get metadata of compressed files,
- extract the whole archive and
- get the contents of individual files in the archive.
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Requested article covers this content:
We'll learn to work with archives in ZIP format in PHP. We'll discuss the ZipArchive class and use its methods.
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