Lesson 7 - E-shop in PHP - Configuring and enhancing the DB wrapper
In the previous lesson, E-shop in PHP - Making the project runnable, we got the original MVC project up and running on our improved framework. We can now split controllers up into actions and use libraries for most common tasks. In the next couple of tutorials, we'll move beyond the original CMS' limits, and extend the framework with more universal features that we'll need to program the e-shop. Although we could add them throughout the course, I found it more practical to have the framework here ready to use. That way, you can always come back and start a new project using what we have at this point. Extracting the framework from the final project, meaning the finalized e-shop, would be inefficient.
Now, hold on, the ride begins!
Since having to modify the application in several places just to make the switch from localhost to production is a bit annoying, we'll create a file with global settings. This way, we can save the settings in any format. I've seen settings stored in a PHP array (I think it was in the Zend framework), in Neon (Nette framework), even XML or JSON would do. You know I like to keep things simple, so I chose tp store the settings in a
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In this tutorial, we'll create a global configuration file for our PHP framework and extend the database wrapper with several useful methods.
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