Lesson 18 - Arrow Functions And Modern Event Handling In JavaScript

In the previous lesson, The Error Class And Try-Catch-Finally In JavaScript, we learned how to catch and throw Errors. Today we're going to look at a new function syntax that came with ES6 - arrow functions. Next, we'll take a look at how to use these functions to handle DOM events.

Arrow Functions

Arrow functions came to JavaScript with the ES6 standard in 2015 and allow us to declare our own functions similarly as we can do with the function keyword. They were added to JS for two reasons:

  • Their syntax is shorter, which makes it much easier to pass them as parameters
  • They fix a flaw of the original function, where the context of the this keyword doesn't work within the class

Arrow functions do not replace the function keyword and are only used in situations we're going to explain in more detail below.


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In this JavaScript OOP tutorial, we'll introduce arrow functions on many examples and learn how to handle events, while getting the event element.

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Article has been written for you by Štěpán Zavadil