Lesson 13 - Multithreading in Java - Atomicity, Synchronized collections

In the previous lesson, Multithreading in Java - CompletableFuture, we talked about CompletableFuture. Today's lesson will complete the course. We're going to look at atomic variables and synchronized collections.

Atomic variables

At the beginning, we should explain what atomicity is.

It's a mechanism allowing us to access a variable, read its contents, and possibly modify it without using locks or other synchronization primitives.

In Java, we have atomic wrappers for all of the following data types: Boolean, Integer, Long and other objects. These are the classes:

  • AtomicBoolean - The wrapper for the Boolean data type.
  • AtomicInteger - The wrapper for the Integer data type.
  • AtomicLong - The wrapper for the Long data type.
  • AtomicReference - The wrapper for any other object.

We'll mention when to use these classes in a moment.

There are also atomic


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In this lesson we'll learn advanced techniques for parallel programming in Java. We'll introduce atomic variables and synchronized collections.

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Article has been written for you by Petr Štechmüller