Lesson 17 - Working with custom files in Java - Saving and loading ZIPs

In the previous lesson, Working with custom files in Java - Zip archive, we introduced the possibilities of zip archives and started a project with an employee input form. In today's Java tutorial, we're going to learn how to work with ZIP folders in Java and save and load custom file types.

Employee Encoder and Decoder

Before we start working with ZIP files, we need to have something to be saved first. Therefore, we'll create two classes that will take care of saving and loading employees into XML. I named the class for writing EmployeeXMLEncoder and the one for reading EmployeeXMLDecoder. Since we already know XML in Java, I'll just show codes of both classes right away. We'll describe only the most important parts.


The content of the employee saving class is as follows:


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In this tutorial, we'll save a file with a custom *.emp extension and load it afterwards. We'll learn how to work with ZIP folders in Java.

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Article has been written for you by Petr Štechmüller