Web critic n5bno.com

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When the website was submitted for criticism, it retrieved the following rating from our validation bot:

Kladných hodnocení: 7; Varování a poznámky: 52; Kritické chyby: 2.
Stránka obsahuje mnoho zbytečných chyb. Většinu nalezených chyb je možné jednoduše opravit. Pokud si s něčím nevíte rady, použijte Unofficial HTML website validator

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Ron Craig
Ron Craig:5/1/2018 8:19

i have done several websites my personal sites(contain html, CSS, javascript) phantmi.info phantmi.com n5bno.com and the club site(in addition php all the calenders are auto updating) ocarc.us(database, for Members Only section) ham radio related 2 of these sites... I have been programming for over 40 years... websites for only 20 years...

5/1/2018 8:19
Replies to Ron Craig
David Capka Hartinger:5/1/2018 14:53

Hi Ron,
welcome to our forums :) However, you site is not very nice nor modern. Why do you write <div id="nav"> when there's the <nav> tag? The same thing goes for the <header>, <footer> and several other tags. Some of them are explained in this free course - https://www.ict.social/…unds-in-html. Using these tags is much more readable and SEO friendly.

About your design, there's a rule: Never, ever, use the Comic Sans MS font. It looks lame, whatever used for. There are dozens of beautiful web fonts at https://fonts.google.com/ .

Your page is not responsive (mobile-device friendly).

You might want to check our free Bootstrap course - https://www.ict.social/…ss/bootstrap It's a set of ready-to-use beautiful CSS styles and templates which would make your website look professional while keeping your contents.

Edited 5/1/2018 14:54
Up Reply
5/1/2018 14:53
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