Lesson 9 - The menu
In the previous lesson, Content styling, we were styling the content part. In
today's tutorial, we'll style the menu. Many people asked me how to make a menu
to look like that. Most of them thought of a table but that wouldn't be much of
a solution. That's why we're going to show a different solution here
Let's remind how does our sketch/wireframe look like.

We'll also look at the final design. We can see that only the menu is missing now, let's create it then!

We'll create a new partial for our menu. Create a new
file. Don't forget to import it into our main SCSS
First, we have to create our primary element for which we'll use the
element. We'll place the element before the
...End of the preview...
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Requested article covers this content:
In this tutorial, we'll learn how to code and style the sidebar menu of a modern website. We continue developing a professional web portfolio from scratch.
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