Discussion: Tumblr portfolio - can I link an image on my homepage with another page with more images?

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JensenBreck:12/6/2017 1:15

Hi everyone!
So basically I'm working on this tumblr portfolio http://hellothisiskae.tumblr.com/ - where if you click on an image, like in all tumblrs, you go to a post page - and you can see the same image + when it was posted or some tags and stuff.
What I would like to know is whether it is possible (and how) to make this secondary post page more elaborate. I would like to put more examples of that one work, and maybe some additional text.
I went through many resources and also checked but did not find the right solution. Please help me out.
I didn't find the right solution from the Internet.

Corporate Explainer Examples

12/6/2017 1:15
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