Lesson 24 - Skins in WPF Applications

In the previous lesson, Themes and Styles in C# .NET WPF, we learned how to change the appearance of WPF forms using themes and styles. In today's continuation of this WPF course, we're going to cover "skinning".


Another method of setting the application's appearance is to use skins. These are basically similar files (ResourceDictionary) to those from the previous lesson on styles, representing a set of property definitions stored in the resource. The difference is that we don't assign multiple resources styling various controls, but only assign a single whole resource. It then contains styles for various controls in the entire application. These style files can be easily replaced, allowing the application to be customized with different appearances.

Styles vs. Skins

We had to assign a style to each control separately. We usually followed these steps:

Style Definition -> Resource Definition -> Resource Assignment -> Individual Style Assignment

The illustration below demonstrates using different XAML files for different controls:

Style sheet in C# .NET WPF


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This WPF tutorial is about changing the form appearance in C# .NET using skins.

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