Mandelbrot in C# WPF, with Zooming and Image Saving

The application renders the Mandelbrot set in the default view. By clicking with the left mouse button, magnification is calculated at the click point, which allows you to gradually "dive" deeper and explore the strange shapes of the details of the set. It's possible to switch between 3 different color schemes. The generated images then can be saved in the user's Pictures folder (Pictures/Man­delbrot) in jpeg format.

The calculated points of the set are added as pixels into WritableBitmap, which is then rendered to the Canvas as an Image. Calculations and rendering are relatively fast, although the zooming increases the number of iterations. The maximum zoom is set to 44x. During any larger zooming I've observed pixelating of the image. It's probably due to the double type not providing enough decimal places for the increasing required calculations accuracy.

Version 1.01, Nov 7, 2017: The unnecessary Point class has been removed from the project. The pixel color is generated from the R, G, and B color components, and is added into auxiliary color list, which is then used to creates pixel array for the Writable bitmap.


Program was created in 2017.



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Program has been written for you by Bruno Schwarzbach
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