Console Version of Mau-Mau Card Game in C# .NET

Console version of European card game Mau-Mau, which is very similar to UNO, created for the local OOP competition. The code is written in C# and can be understood (perhaps) by anyone who has learned the basics of C# programming.

The game is extended with two more rules that are important for the program part. First, at least 8 cards must always remain in the deck, to prevent problem when four cards of value seven are played consecutively.

Second, there can only be maximum of 5 players to have enough cards for all of them. For 6 or 7 players, 32-cards deck may have problem with lack of cards, and for 8 players, the cards wouldn't be enough at all.


Game was created in 2015.



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C# .NET Community Projects - Object-Oriented Programming
Game has been written for you by Bratr
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