Working With Our Own Files in C# 4 - Registry, UAC And Icons

In the last part of the series on working with files of our own type, we handled several errors and learned our application to accept command line arguments from File Explorer. In this article, we'll describe how to work with the Windows Registry in C#, request the system to display a UAC elevation prompt, and change the icon of our files.

Writing to the registry in C# .NET

C# has the Registry class that contains static methods for working with the registry. First we'll use the static ClassesRoot property, which will take us directly to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, where we'll write to. If the application has default permissions, it can read from the registry, but can't write to it. In order not to bother the user every time the application is opened, a UAC prompt will only show at the first start. The following diagram practically shows what we'll do.


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In the tutorial, we'll describe how to work with the registry in C#, force the system to display a UAC elevation prompt, and change icons.

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Article has been written for you by Filip Smolík