Discussion: Modafinil: excellent choice for narcolepsy and other sleep disorders

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Rachel Scots
Rachel Scots:11/27/2024 0:07

Modafinil is a prescribed medication for the treatment of excessive daytime sleep disorders associated with narcolepsy, obstructive sleep apnea, and work sleep disorder. There are many off-label uses of Modafinil, such as cognition enhancement, ADHD, and depression. This prescribed medication was FDA-approved in 1998 and sold under many brand names such as Modalert, Modvigil, etc. It works by increasing neurotransmitters, which contribute to improving brain function. Modafinil also decreases the level of GABA, which causes one to fall asleep, and by reducing it, Modafinil helps regulate the sleep cycle. It is essential to take Modafinil as prescribed, as it can cause many side effects such as Agitation, headache, depression, and Anxiety. To learn more about its dosage, read the blog shared by Mymodalert.

11/27/2024 0:07
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