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Discussion: How Much Does Coke Cost?

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How Much Does Coke Cost?
Cocaine is known to be an expensive recreational drug, though its street price can vary quite a bit based on factors like location, demand, purity, and more. For the average user, a gram of cocaine might cost $60-$200 in the U.S., making it a relatively pricey habit over time. Buy 8 ball of cocaine…aine-online/

The high cost is one reason why addicted users often switch to cheaper alternatives like crack cocaine. While the price per pure gram has actually gone down over the past few decades when adjusted for inflation and purity, cocaine remains cost prohibitive for many users seeking an illegal high.

In this blog post, we’ll take a look at the price of a gram of cocaine, the factors behind rising cocaine use, and how to get addiction treatment for cocaine addiction.

Measurement Price
Gram of Cocaine $60-$200 per gram
Ounce of Cocaine $1,100-$1,800 per ounce
Kilogram of Cocaine $13,000-$26,000 per kg
8-Ball of Cocaine $60-$150 for 3.5 grams

30. November 3:25
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